mid-week randomness

Was wondering if I should break the beer ban today and head for drinks somewhere. The lethargy of unenjoyment of something has started to get to me. Perhaps I should just throw caution to the wind, abandon all the diet plans since they are not working anyway.

Does earning a decent pay package equate to anything at all? Sure maybe it pays the bills and perhaps a lot more things. But at the end of the day, spending 90% of a year, and perhaps of your life, feeling miserable in exchange for the remaining 10% of enjoyment, with still a nagging depressive mood at the back of your mind; is it worth it at all? Would I be able to survive at all in a society where costs rise faster than you can start to blink, say maybe on a monthly income of about S$2k? Without housing concerns and all the rest of the bills, maybe it’s a possibility. Other than that… I think it’s just wishful thinking on my part.

Why do some people like to share so much? If you’re my friend and already know what is bothering me why are you still using the very same things to destroy my morale? I know perhaps you just want to share nuggets of your life with me, but listening to this does nothing for me at all other than make me think of the doldrums that my life is in. You know it but yet you still do it, why are we even friends?

Time just passes everyday but I’m nowhere closer to achieving my goals, whatever they are. I just feel older each second and then after that, like a piece of junk waiting to be scrapped.

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